Management Rewards, Sales Strategies, Sales With Purpose April 1st. 2009, 7:23amVol. XXXVII
Dear Manager,
As managers, we are often required to direct our attention to areas of, shall we say, the less-than-optimum performance of our organization. Our goal is to always maximize our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. Unfortunately, an area of concern will not simply vanish on its own, at least not without a price.
If we are to successfully address these types of issues, we must look for a fresh approach, one that is honest, confident and realistic. No one needs (or wants) to hear the same old shtick! A steady stream of “what ifs,” “could have beens,” “should bes,” “if only they hads,” and “I told them sos,” will often clutter and camouflage the issue at hand. Comments and observations such as these do not reflect the reality that our only hope is to react to the hand that we have drawn. We must deal with today’s reality: “It is or it isn’t, “We will or we won’t,” “We can or we can’t.” Simply put, “ it is what it is.” So, how will we respond?
As an organization, will we choose to rally behind the need, adjusting our focus and approach to continue to assist in improving the product? Or, will we immediately decide that the expectation is too great, and no further time or precious efforts should be wasted? These become the only real questions.
I have found a consistent reality in my twenty-plus years of business: if I am challenged by a certain area of my sales presentation and performance, then many of my counterparts are challenged, as well. Rarely do we stand alone in our struggles, let alone in our areas of success. The immediate goal then becomes to attain a level of performance exceeding that of our peers. With the emotion gone, the playing field is level and the objective becomes much more real and attainable. We know damn well that we’re just as good as they are … and better than most!
Once the challenge becomes crystal clear, the feelings of self-doubt and inertia are gone. We can almost see the finish line.
It’s up to us, as managers, to provide something real that our staff can wrap their collective arms around and implement in the field. Inspiration and renewed focus will take us toward the finish line, yet only a collective strategy will ensure our victory.
1. Begin with your strengths. Each area of challenge holds specific and significant aspects of strength. Are we taking full advantage of these areas? Now is the time to focus and expand upon these strengths within our current account base. Is it time for larger departments to be established? Promote expansion of your strongest departments, suggest better placement and heightened visibility of their most successful categories.
Now, can these same strengths be applied to customers who are not currently participating? Focus on the positives! Use the information you have attained to promote equal success with others. In each case, take a position by leading your customers to the success you know they will have.
2. A customer’s perception becomes “their” reality. Old perceptions die hard, and rarely without our active influence. Become a student and authority of the specific product category. Get to know the subtle but obvious changes, transitions and updates that may not have been noticed or understood.
Remember, you are looking to address your observations in direct contrast to the customer’s false perceptions and misconceptions. Point out the obvious changes in your current presentation. Show that it holds little resemblance to the presentations of the past. If it’s obvious to your eye, it can become obvious in theirs as well. This is no time to be subtle in your comments.
3. Present your facts. In the evolution of any product, conclusions can and will be made by your customers, with or without foundation. Come prepared for your presentations! Initiate dialog with enthusiasm. Speak with your customer’s staff members to determine specific areas of strength and weakness. Take inventories of these strength categories prior to your presentations.
Be prepared to document to the buyer areas that should be re-ordered, let alone obviously expanded upon. Know each of the categories strengths in detail, and do not allow your buyer’s instincts to draw them to a false conclusion. It certainly takes time to prepare, but the facts will rule!
4. Make a full presentation. There are always short cuts to making a full and comprehensive presentation. This is no time to shoot yourself in the foot. A partial or half-hearted presentation suggests lack of inspiration on your part. A slightly overstated presentation suggests commitment, confidence and resolve. Come better prepared than in the past, have a wider range of samples, know your objective and anticipate your success … before you walk in the door.
5. Leave your own perceptions and conclusions at the door. We have all found ourselves in situations where customers have expressed enthusiasm in products we would never have guessed they would be interested in. Resolve to show or at least review all aspects of your presentation. You can never anticipate what may light that fire, even if it has been presented on previous occasions. Certainly focus on your strengths, but never miss that opportunity to review the entire line before you conclude each and every presentation.
6. Pick a product of the week. As professionals we maintain a constant awareness, a sixth sense of products and categories that need and deserve heightened visibility in our presentations. I have known sales associates who take on a challenge each week to focus on one of these very specific categories. It becomes a challenge (and a lot of fun) to see just how many of these products or themes can be successfully placed by the end of the week.
This process does two things: it establishes the category in your day-to-day selling process for the week, and makes it a part of the continuing evolution of your entire presentation. Pick a product, bring out all of your samples, and pull out all the stops in its presentation. At the end of the week compare your sales to the previous week – what a rush! Now, pick next week’s product!
7. Create an assortment. We can all get lulled into selling from a perspective of individual items and manufacturers’ established promotions. Problem: what happens if one of our target items is not available as part of the assortment? Solution: Create your own!
Spend time with your sales materials to establish themes, groupings or dollar-related assortments for multiple sales. In your presentations, explain the value of these assortments then simply ask, “How many of these assortments would you like?”
8. Become more involved. If you have constructive and positive suggestions for improving your presentations, (and you do!) don’t keep them to yourself. Contact the manufacturer with your observations and ideas. Certainly you have been frustrated, wondering “Can anybody hear me?” Never give in to apathy. Find individuals who impact what you do, and take ten minutes each week to email them your thoughts and inspirations. This will go a long way in answering the question that plagues manufacturers, “Is anybody out there?”
These and similar formulas will never guarantee success on their own. Implementation falls on the shoulders of those in a position to affect change. Rather than simply suggesting “fix it,” we have provided our organization with a game plan and strategy for our collective success. Will we win them all? Unfortunately not. Will we win more than our share? Without question.
Personal Regards,
INTERPERSONAL© is published by INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM, Keenan Longcor, Editor, ©2009. Duplication of this publication is permitted for both personal and business use. Excerpts may only be quoted with acknowledgment of INTERPERSONAL/INTERPERSONALBIZ.ORG as the source. For re-publication rights, please contact the editor at KEENAN@INTERPERSONALBIZ.COM
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