May 15
We are all constrained by our personal expectations. It’s too easy to become accepting of our success. What is “our best” and just how “good is good?” Never lower your expectations regarding your own or others abilities. First you must believe.
May 01
There are as many companies that become stale and fail for lack of creativity, as there are companies that fail for over extending resources by taking their eye off the cash cow. Timing and resources are the two key elements to a second-generation expansion. Remain focused on your strengths and your target. Protect the original success formula, and your position of strength in the market. Understanding the fundamentals of your prior success or failure is crucial.
Apr 15
Patience is the most critical factor when hiring; the goal is to find the right person, not simply fill the position. You must set qualification standards based on the best and brightest of your current staff! Be candid with your expectations during the initial interview; a second interview should be scheduled for those who interested you. Imagine the candidate with a group of their peers, and listen to your gut. Remember, not all people are meant to work together.
Apr 01
To find qualified candidates, place advertisements using words that reflect the defined qualities you are looking for. Try responding to the resume with a brief questionnaire to help in scheduling interviews. Get beyond the resume by using a less formal preliminary interview on the phone. A personal interest in your industry, strong awareness, and genuine enthusiasm for your product are essential to a sales person’s success.