Sales Management Abundancy, Sales With Purpose No Comments »

The single most effective formula relating to sales time management is orders per week. Tighten your schedule enough to add one additional appointment per day. Successful sales people have a high sense of value, expectation, and urgency for each appointment. Always schedule appointments in advance; suggest more frequent and “smaller” orders.


Management, What We Can Expect, Volume XI

Management Rewards, Sales Management Abundancy No Comments »

Strong management must always hold itself accountable and remain consistent. By setting high standards, those around you will flourish. Never manage through intimidation; always show respect and support. Don’t be afraid to “carry an employee’s bag;” while being prepared to walk in their shoes.


New Products and Trusting Your Gut – Part 2, Volume X

Management Rewards, Marketing Glitz No Comments »

A good gut in marketing is crucial, and often hard to find. The difference between a “good gut” and “by the seat of the pants” is in product development. “Gut” is involved with the market, and aligns him or herself with others “in the know.” “Pants” relies on good fortune with a hit-and-miss approach. We must constantly re-invent ourselves in marketing. It always has, always will, come down to creativity, design and innovation.


The Success of New Products – Part 1, Volume IX

Management Rewards, Marketing Glitz No Comments »

New products should create a “bigger than life” presentation, focusing on perceived value, and catching the eye of your intended customer. The five “P’s” include: Perception, exceed your customers desires. Presentation, is your product clearly superior? Promotion, have a “Cadillac Product” that will raise the perceived value of your other products. Performance, execution is critical to the total package.