Senior Housing Marketing
Marketing Innovations for Senior Living Communities
In a recent White Paper summary written by Christine Wirthwein for the American Association of Homes and Services for Aging (AAHSA) her conclusion stated: “It’s not surprising that we (senior living administrators) close only two to five percent of our lead base. Most staff are simply not adequately prepared or attitudinally attuned to working with the most powerful and discerning of all consumer groups – the senior market. Why? Because most teams haven’t benefited from formal sales training.”
Our experience with Senior Living Communities suggests that staff is hired for their abilities, expertise and motivations in serving and caring for the aging. We have concluded that only rarely has an entire staff been formally trained in the marketing and sales aspects essential in sustaining a highly efficient and successful Senior Living Community. In fact, applicants for senior care positions are seldom asked if their background includes such training or if they are even interested in sales and marketing. Our shared conclusion with AAHSA: “Management has simply not engaged in their responsibility to effectively train and provide follow-up with community staff. Holding staff accountable is vital to ensuring sustainability for their communities and for their team.”
InterPersonal Management
Clearly, “Job One” for Senior Housing Communities is creating a safe, clean, welcoming, sustainable and secure environment that meets the individualized and evolving needs of each of their residents. At the same time we must also strive to create a very high quality of life and culture of encouragement for each of the clients and all staff members. None of this is possible without sustainability; sustainability is essential in order to maintain current programs, staffing, meaningful activities and resources available to residents and staff
InterPersonal Management has recently developed a comprehensive initiative to address the vital need for educating Senior Living staff in sales and marketing. Entitled “Reaching for the Full Potential for Our Community,” this program in partnership with staff and management serves to raise marketing visibility for their communities. By nature, staff can be reluctant to embrace the importance of sales and marketing. We have created this program to target and address the fears, concerns and apprehensions often expressed by care giving personnel. In a direct yet sensitive way this program expands upon their comfort zones.
Areas of Impact
- Breaking down the inherent hurdles in staff marketing participation
- Establishing focus and sense of urgency towards the inquiry card process
- Establish a greater sense of priority in managing prospects
- Training in and practice in providing “A Tour with a Personal Touch”
- Roll play with staff, establishing preferred tour routes
- Reviewing the touring process and areas for staff and resident engagement
- Implementing attainable staff rewards and appreciation program
- Creating an enjoyable culture with a new focus on reaching community potential
The program has proven itself to be highly effective and timely in today’s climate of increased capacity and reduced levels of occupancy.
InterPersonal Management will be conducting half day seminars focused in its training for Staff and Management of Senior Housing Communities. This discussion is intended to develop a new foundation and understanding for community management to then build upon. This initial presentation is intended to stand on its own in changing the thought process and outlook and understanding of community staff.
As a follow up Interpersonal Management will be available to meet with management to tailor a program that incorporates this initiative to the specific needs of their community. Timelines and benchmarks are established to insure objectives are clear and attainable. In addition to our initial training sessions we provide ongoing services, resources, follow up and retraining on a systematic basis. As a highly visible “outside resource” we have found this approach is taken more seriously and is more effective than “in-house” programs. Success is incumbent upon the staff’s willingness to assume “personal ownership” of the Community in which they work.
Published industry statistics suggest a single loss of a new resident represents $84,000 in lost “Community Potential” over the length of the average stay. With an initial stated goal of achieving 6-8 additional residents each year, this initiative substantiates it’s R.O.I. Tenfold with a single new resident . . . .
Clearly, this is a program whose time has come.
Success Begins With Pride, Builds Momentum Through Passion & Gains Sustainability Through Enthusiasm. . .
Keenan Longcor